Sunday, August 19, 2007

All God Did Was For Each of Us

What a difference it makes when we cease being general and become pointed and personal in our approach to God. Then we shall not fear the personal pronoun, but shall with the friends of God relate it to the One who gave it and claim each one for himself the Person and work of the Triune God. Then we shall see that all that God did was for each of us and then we can sing:

For me Thou didst cover Thyself with light as with a garment and stretch out the heavens like a curtain and lay the foundations of the earth. For me Thou didst appoint the moon for seasons and the sun knows his going down. For me Thou didst make every beast of the earth after its kind and every herb bearing seed and every tree in which is the fruit of the tree. For me prophets wrote and the psalmists sang. For me holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. And for me Christ died-- and the redemptive benefits of that death are by the miracle of His present life perpetuated forever, as efficacious now as on the day He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. And when He arose the third day, it was for me; and when He poured out upon the disciples the promised Holy Spirit, it was that He might continue in me the work He has been doing for me since the morning fo the creation.

Christ loved me and gave Himself for me. - The Apostle Paul

Is every word- in every line- in all the Holy Scriptures- meant for me, even me? It is to the glory of God and the honor of Christ for my heart and voice to answer, "Yes! Yes! It is all for me; He is for me- all the Father predestined is for me; all the Son accomplished and said is for me; all the blessed Spirit applies and has promised is for me!" Faith believes this and thus honors who God is and what He has done in His Son. Anything less is unbelief and dishonors the blessed triune God.

- Mack T.

O'Thou are very great
To set Thyself so far above!
But we partake of Thine estate,
Established in Thy strength and in Thy love;
That love hath made eternal room for me
In the sweet vastness of its own eternity.-- Frederick W. Faber

- A. W. Tozer

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