Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Thirty Point Sermon

That is what the apostle Paul gives in Romans 12, in a span of thirteen verses. If the list Paul gives her, which is like shots out of a machine gun, if it were a yes or no quiz, I wonder what grade I would make? I wonder how I'm doing?

Can you picture the apostle meeting with one of the churches he cared for, and as he stood there, he begins to rattle off these admonitions, just as he gives them here in Romans 12?

1. Let love be genuine - vs 9

2. Hate what is evil - vs 9

3. Hold fast to what is good - vs 9

4. Love one another with brotherly affection - vs 10

5. Outdo one another in showing honor - vs 10

6. Do not be slothful in zeal - vs 11

7. Be fervent in spirit - vs 11

8. Serve the Lord - vs 11

9. Rejoice in hope - vs 12

10. Be patient in tribulation - vs 12

11. Be constant in prayer - vs 12

12. Contribute to the needs of the saints - vs 13

13. Seek to show hospitality - vs 13

14. Bless those who persecute you - vs 14

15. Do not curse them - vs 14

16. Rejoice with those who rejoice - vs 15

17. Weep with those who weep - vs 15

18. Live in harmony with one another - vs 16

19. Do not be prideful - vs 16

20. Associate with the lowly - vs 16

21. Never be conceited - vs 16

22. Repay no one evil for evil - vs 17

23. Give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all - vs 17

24. As much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people - vs 18

25. Never get revenge toward someone.

26. Leave all vengeance to God - vs 19

27. If your enemy is hungry, feed him - vs. 20

28. If he is thirsty, give him a drink - vs. 20

29. Do not be overcome by evil - vs. 21

30. Overcome evil with good - vs. 21

So, how are we doing these days in living out these realities? It doesn't matter a whole lot if you understand every truth in Romans 1-11 accurately, if it has not led to do what these verses admonish us to do. The things Paul admonishes believers with here-- these are the big stuff; what difference does it make if we think we are clear in understanding predestination, Romans 7, or eschatology, if our lives are not being conformed to these thirty realities Paul gives here? It matters not if I understand truth if I am not applying it and walking in it.

So, in light of Paul's thirty point sermon, how are we doing daily?

- Mack Tomlinson

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