Monday, February 23, 2009

Theology and True Godliness to the Heart

"The teaching that promotes godliness." 1 Timothy 6:3

"The knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness." Titus 1:1

[An exerpt from a father's letter to his son]

My son, it is much easier to be a 'Bible scholar' than a sincere Christian. It is much easier to be a 'theologian' than a true pastor. Theology itself, important as are its themes, sinks into a mere science of literary attainments, unless accompanied by an earnest and devotional application of its principles to the soul.

You should not only study the Scriptures, but always be pondering some searching experimental book as a bosom companion. A love of such reading proves a useful test of godly character. There are many books about religious matters which, after all, do not bring home true godliness to the heart.

- Legh Richmond

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