Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christ by His Death

"He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree." 1 Peter 2:24

Certainly the whole punishment of body and soul which was due us, Christ our Redeemer suffered. Our blessed Savior bore all the sins of His people. He suffered the whole punishment which was due unto us, which we would have endured, if He had not atoned for our sins. He felt the anguish of soul, and horror of God's wrath and in soul, experienced the torments of hell for us, sustained them and vanquished them!

All the pains, torments, curse, and wrath which were due to the elect fell on Christ, until divine justice was fully satisfied. Though Christ did not suffer eternal death for sinners, yet He suffered that which was equivalent, and therefore the justice of God is wholly appeased by His death. Christ's infinite excellency and glory made His short sufferings to be of infinite worth, and equivalent to our everlasting sufferings.

Jesus suffered that which was necessary for our redemption, namely that torment of hell which we had deserved, and which the justice of God required that He should endure for our redemption. He endured that bitter pain which we deserved to suffer eternally.

Christ by His death . . .

satisfied divine justice,
bore and pacified divine wrath,
brought in an everlasting righteousness, and
accomplished the eternal salvation of His people!

- Thomas Brooks

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