Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Good Gospel Dinner

Tonight was the best dinner I've had in a long time.

I invited our son David to dinner tonight; its just me, David, and his younger sister, Cristina, at home this week, as the rest of the family is at a family reunion. So I said, "David, I'll buy you a burger- let's go." And we went.

I had one desire and one goal in going- not to talk about sports, friends, work, or even life, though we did talk about his finishing up his college hours that he still needs to graduate.

Rather my goal was to pursue him lovingly about where he feels he is spirtually and to talk to him about his soul. This is always scary, isn't it? Fear tries to come and your words get stuck in your throat. You don't know where to begin. But I felt far too deeply about it to not begin, so I did.

As we munched down, I simply said, "David, you already know that I feel concern for you in my heart and I'm just wondering where you feel you are with the Lord?" His reply both surprised me and pleased me- "Well, I know I'm not a Christian because I know you can't live like I've been living and still think you are a Christian. I have told friends of mine, 'How can you think that you and I are Christians when we've been living like we live?' One of them said, 'Well, because you can simply confess your sins and repent whenever you want', to which David replied, 'No, that is not right; at least that's not what the Bible says; it says that you can't live in sin and really be a Christian."

"So I know that I'm not and I am not going to trying to say or act like I am; I'd rather be honest."

I was moved in my heart and I realized what the Lord had opened up for us to discuss as we sat there. It became the best conversation we have had together in years. I told David that Ioved him and that he was correct in what he said. I then began to talk to him about his own need, purpose, and every person's true need of the Saviour; I told him that sin is the issue, and that every person will perish in their sin if they are not in a saving relationship with Christ; I told him that we both knew that this world will never satisfy anyone and it will never satisfy him. We talked about the brevity and uncertainty of life, about repentance, and about truly knowing Christ. We then talked further as we drove home.

How thankful I am for the grace the Lord gave me to pursue him about his soul. I have never been good or consistent about talking with our older children individually in this way. And I have only myself to blame for that. But tonight the Lord made the way and I am thankful.

Please, please, please pray regularly for David; I believe he may be nearing the kingdom; I believe he is in the process of being drawn; pray for conviction, pray for the drawing of the Holy Spirit, pray for grace to get him and bring him from death to life.

If all of us who have unconverted children would bond together and pray very regularly and specifically for their salvation and then speak to them lovingly as God leads, I am convinced we would begin to see the Lord do more wonderful things among our families. May God give us new praying ground for the true salvation of our children.

- Mack T.

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